
The following list of student achievement measures conveys Baptist University of Florida's commitment to our vision, 任务, 以及我们学生的成功. 每年, we track and analyze how well our students perform and respond in terms of these seven areas:






毕业率 are commonly measured at 150% of normal time (six years for a four-year baccalaureate degree), although it is increasingly common to measure graduation rates at 200% of normal time as well (eight years for a four-year baccalaureate degree). 毕业率, 虽然这不是一个完美的衡量标准, are important because they provide an insight into how many students are finishing their degrees in a timely manner once they enroll. 佛罗里达浸会大学的两种费率报告如下.

The 8-year graduation rate reported below is the IPEDS (Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System) Outcome Measures 8-year Award Rate. This number represents a large cross-section of students who began their studies in a particular cohort year. 这个毕业率反映了第一次毕业的进度, non-first-time, 全职, 以及在特定年份开始学习的非全日制学位学生.

This rate is Baptist University of Florida's selected SACSCOC (Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Com任务 on Colleges) 主要学生完成指标 或“KSCI.”


佛罗里达浸会大学设定的目标是保持最低34%的毕业率,这是由IPEDS结果衡量的本科学生八年奖励率衡量的. 8年毕业率34%的最低目标是基于佛罗里达浸会大学2016-2020年IPEDS结果测量毕业率的平均值(46%)。. That average was then reduced by 25% to arrive at a figure that would account for fluctuating rates of student achievement, 不可预测的经济因素影响学生的毅力, 家庭和健康并发症, 以及其他可能影响学生成功的缓和因素, 开放录取的高等学府,如佛罗里达浸会大学.

相反, 佛罗里达浸会大学设定了一个理想的目标,即达到58%的毕业率,这是由IPEDS结果衡量的本科学生八年奖励率衡量的. The 58% aspirational goal for the eight-year graduation rate is based on that same average of the 2016-2020 Outcome Measures graduation rates for Baptist University of Florida, but was then increased by 25% to arrive at a figure that would demonstrate significant achievement for a smaller, 开放录取的高等学府,如佛罗里达浸会大学.


(*主要学生完成指标最近8年毕业率(正常时间的200%), (基于2014年新生队列)为51%.



Baptist University of Florida also tracks traditional six-year graduation rates reported through the IPEDS (Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System). 这个毕业率反映了第一次毕业的进度, 全职, 在某一特定年份开始学习的攻读学位的学生.


佛罗里达浸会大学设定的目标是保持至少39%的毕业率,这是由IPEDS传统六年本科毕业率衡量的. The 39% minimum goal for the eight-year graduation rate is based on the average of the 2016-2020 IPEDS Graduation Rates for Baptist University of Florida (52%). That average was then reduced by 25% to arrive at a figure that would account for fluctuating rates of student achievement, 不可预测的经济因素影响学生的毅力, 家庭和健康并发症, 以及其他可能影响学生成功的缓和因素, 开放录取的高等学府,如佛罗里达浸会大学.

相反, 佛罗里达浸会大学设定了一个理想的目标,即达到65%的毕业率,这是由IPEDS传统六年本科毕业率衡量的. The 65% aspirational goal for the six-year graduation rate is based on that same average of the 2016-2020 IPEDS Graduation Rates for Baptist University of Florida, but was then increased by 25% to arrive at a figure that would demonstrate significant achievement for a smaller, 开放录取的高等学府,如佛罗里达浸会大学.


最近的6年毕业率(正常时间的150%), (基于2016年新生队列)为63%.



另一个有用的衡量学生成功的标准是第一次学习的次数, 在大学二年级返校的全日制新生. 这个指标通常被称为“从一年级到第二年级”或“从一年级到二年级”的保留率. 毕业率也是如此, retention rates are not a perfect measure but do provide insight into how well students are identifying with their college environment and with the 任务 of the institution. 保持率, 当然, cannot reflect the reasons a student might not return for their sophomore year that are beyond the college's control.


根据佛罗里达浸会大学注册办公室的测量,佛罗里达浸会大学设定了保持至少57%的新生-大二保留率的目标. The 57% minimum goal is based on the average of the 2016-2020 Retention Rates for Baptist University of Florida (76%). That average was then reduced by 25% to arrive at a figure that would account for fluctuating rates of student achievement, 不可预测的经济因素影响学生的毅力, 家庭和健康并发症, 以及其他可能影响学生成功的缓和因素, 开放录取的高等学府,如佛罗里达浸会大学.

相反, Baptist University of Florida has set an aspirational goal of reaching a 95% Sophomore retention rate as measured by the Registrar’s Office of Baptist University of Florida. The 95% aspirational goal for the Sophomore retention rate is based on that same average of the 2016-2020 Retention Rates for Baptist University of Florida, but was then increased by 25% to arrive at a figure that would demonstrate significant achievement for a smaller, 开放录取的高等学府,如佛罗里达浸会大学.


The overall rate of Freshman to Sophomore retention (first-time Freshmen students who started in Fall 2021 and returned for their Sophomore year in Fall 2022) was 71%.



佛罗里达浸会大学的所有毕业生在毕业前都会接受面试,并询问他们是否觉得自己已经达到了专业学位的特定课程学生学习成果. Program Student Learning Outcomes describe what a graduate of a particular academic program should be able to understand, 知道, 或者一旦他们从一个学术项目毕业.

例如, 一个事工研究学士学位的毕业生应该能够:1)展示圣经的知识,并能够在讲道和教导事工中提供这些内容的当代应用, 2) demonstrate an understanding of Christian doctrine and be able to support that understanding through effective communication, and 3) apply the 知道ledge of biblical content and Christian doctrine in practical and pastoral ministry functions.


佛罗里达浸会大学设定了一个目标,即根据佛罗里达浸会大学注册办公室的测量,保持至少68%的学生对教育项目的满意度. The 68% minimum goal is based on the average of the 2019-2021 Senior Exit Interview SLO Satisfaction Rates for Baptist University of Florida (91%). That average was then reduced by 25% to arrive at a figure that would account for fluctuating rates of student achievement, 不可预测的经济因素影响学生的毅力, 家庭和健康并发症, 以及其他可能影响学生成功的缓和因素, 开放录取的高等学府,如佛罗里达浸会大学.

相反, 佛罗里达浸会大学设定了一个理想的目标,即达到100%的学生满意率的教育计划,学生学习成果由佛罗里达浸会大学注册办公室衡量. SLO满意率100%的理想目标是基于佛罗里达浸会大学2019-2021年高级离职面谈SLO学生满意度的平均值, but was then increased by 25% to arrive at a figure that would demonstrate significant achievement for a smaller, 开放录取的高等学府,如佛罗里达浸会大学.


Eleven of BUF's nineteen academic degree programs were represented by the graduates of the 2022-2023 Academic Year. 百分之九十五(95%)的受访学生表示,他们在佛罗里达浸会大学的教学项目达到了学术项目所规定的项目学生学习成果.


高级离职面试,工作和研究生入学准备反馈率 (学生的成绩 Measures-5 and 6):

佛罗里达浸会大学(Baptist University of Florida)的所有毕业生在毕业前都会接受面试,询问他们是否认为自己已经为就业市场或继续深造做好了准备.


佛罗里达浸会大学设定的目标是保持至少61%的工作准备率和53%的研究生院准备率,这是由佛罗里达浸会大学注册办公室管理的高级离职面谈所衡量的. These two rates are based on the average of the 2019-2021 Job and Graduate School Readiness Rates (82% and 71%, 分别). Those averages were then reduced by 25% to arrive at a figure that would account for fluctuating rates of student achievement, 不可预测的经济因素影响学生的毅力, 家庭和健康并发症, 以及其他可能影响学生成功的缓和因素, 开放录取的高等学府,如佛罗里达浸会大学.

相反, 佛罗里达浸会大学制定了一个雄心壮志的目标,即达到100%的工作准备率和89%的研究生院准备率,这是由佛罗里达浸会大学注册办公室管理的高级离职面谈所衡量的. 就业和研究生院准备率分别为100%和89%的理想目标是基于佛罗里达浸会大学2019-2021年高级离职面试工作和研究生院准备率的相同平均值, but were then increased by 25% to arrive at a figure that would demonstrate significant achievement for a smaller, 开放录取的高等学府,如佛罗里达浸会大学.

高级离职面试,工作和研究生入学准备反馈率 for the 2022-2023 Academic Year:

在2022-2023学年完成学业的本科生中, 100%的人表示已经准备好进入他们所在领域的就业市场, 100%的人表示准备继续在研究生院接受教育(这个数字包括少数希望继续在学士学位课程接受教育的大专课程的学生).



每年, 教师教育科的指导员与聘用上一学年获得基础教育文学学士学位、目前在公立或私立学校担任教师的BUF毕业生的学校校长联系. 校长被要求根据基础教育计划学生学习成果(反映佛罗里达州feaps -佛罗里达州教育者完成实践)对这些一年级教师进行评分。. These questions ask about the graduate’s performance in various categories such as: communicating effectively, 为学生提供学习高阶思维技能的机会, 创建安全, 公平的, 刺激的课堂环境, 对主题有足够的了解, 制定与发展相适应且具有吸引力的学习计划, 并使用适当的技术来提供教学.


佛罗里达浸会大学(Baptist University of Florida)设定了一个目标,即对其基础教育专业文学学士学位毕业生的第一年评估保持至少73%的积极回复率. The 73% minimum goal is based on the average of the most recent rates of evaluation for these graduates (98%). That average was then reduced by 25% to arrive at a figure that would account for fluctuating rates of student achievement, 不可预测的经济因素影响学生的毅力, 家庭和健康并发症, 以及其他可能影响学生成功的缓和因素, 开放录取的高等学府,如佛罗里达浸会大学.

相反, 佛罗里达浸会大学设定了一个雄心勃勃的目标,即对其基础教育学士学位毕业生的第一年评估达到100%的积极回复率. The 100% aspirational goal for first-year evaluations is based on that same average of recent rates of evaluation for these graduates, but was then increased by 25% to arrive at a figure that would demonstrate significant achievement for a smaller, 开放录取的高等学府,如佛罗里达浸会大学.


用于2023年9月的雇主满意度调查, no results were available (there were no graduates of the Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education program in the previous year). 教师教育司目前正在重新设计这项调查,以收集更广泛的数据.